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Thérapie manuelle inédite en massage

Therapeutic Tissue Massage

The type of therapeutic massage that I have developed is the result of a synthesis between various massage therapy techniques ( Myofascial Massage, Deep Tissue, Fasciatherapy, Shiatsu, Chinese Medicine, Trigger Points and Reflexology ). The methodology I use is based on the theory of tissue balance theorized by Thomas W Myers in his book Anatomy Trains. The palpatory and mobility test that I developed reveals your tissue, postural and muscular architecture. I base myself on this individualized information to develop my personalized treatment strategy . The results obtained within the framework of the cure are surprising and lasting. Discover a type of massage destined to become a reference in the world of manual therapies  !


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David Ben Soussan Massothérapeute Paris 2 Opéra Hotêl de Noailles


Ben Soussan David
massage therapist

39 years old, I have been studying traditional Chinese medicine for more than 7 years. Trained at the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier , I obtained several university degrees in TCM: Fundamental Theories and Diagnosis, Tuina and Therapeutic Qi Gong, Pharmacopoeia and Formulas, Internal Medicine and Acupuncture...

Empreinte Zen Massage Opéra Paris 2

une Empreinte Zen
à votre quotidien

à L'Hôtel de Noailles ( Lieu principal)

Choisir le praticien intervient sur différents lieux 

Espace Sport et bien-être

9 rue de la Michodière

75002 Paris  

Métro  Opéra ou Métro Quatre Septembre 

À proximité de l'Opéra Garnier et de la Bourse

Situé face à la salle de sport L'Usine à deux pas du théâtre de la Michodière

Empreinte Zen Massage Paris 02 Opéra Hôtel de Noailles SPA
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